Week 10: Friday - faster 5k
I’m still not following the plan, but still running without 2 consecutive rest days because the Smashrun thing is more important to me than Runna right now.
I mean, look at this notification I got when I woke up:
How did I get a PB yesterday, when I didn’t do any exercise at all? Grargh.
Anyway. This morning I got up and ran 5km in 25:43, on what turned out to be a beautiful crisp sunny winter’s morning. Even though I have lap alerts switched back on, I didn’t look at my watch until 5km when it flashed up 4:59 for the 5th km. I was actually surprised that it wasn’t a sub-25 tbh, I’d felt that strong throughout and absolutely thought the final km was the slowest of the five when in fact it was the fastest. But hey, overall it was a good 30 seconds faster than Wednesday and almost as fast as I was running in mid-September.
Cue instant Runna rage, like “if I hadn’t bothered with that stupid plan then I’d be even faster now, not only just getting towards where I was!”. And yes, I know that’s not a given, and I know it’s a half marathon training plan not a 5km plan, but, bleurgh. Whatever. Whatever! What I do know is that I feel way better after a hard effort 5km than I do after basically any other type of run, so I’m glad to have chosen to just do those this week.