Week 12: Monday
Uh oh
During Saturday’s runs I’d had a couple, no more, twinges in my right foot. Felt a bit like plantar fasciitis except not. Wasn’t in the ball of my foot or ankle, but rather in the arch. And I only felt it a couple of times and then never again. Didn’t even think about it, in fact, until Sunday morning when I woke up and OW MY FOOT.
Wasn’t feeling great Sunday anyway. Had enjoyed Wimbledon’s win against Doncaster a bit too much then stayed up late listening to Christmas tunes. Woke up Sunday feeling all kinds of wrong. Anxious, borderline panicky. No headache, but just really … off. Hated it. The idea that I might have busted my foot in a way that would stop me running just added to my woes.
Anyway. Once all the chores were finished I spent some time rolling a spiky ball under the foot in the hope it would do something to ease the pain/fix whatever was going on. Wasn’t super confident, but I felt marginally better on Monday morning and decided to risk it.
Unlike when I have had plantar fasciitis in the past, this pain was persistent throughout the entire run. Kinda dull though, and didn’t put a dent in my performance. Couldn’t hammer out a sub-26 last last week, but really pleased with a steady 26:45 including what used to be a traditional fastest-final-km. The gives of badges will be pleased.